How to get IDFA in iOS 14

Nishant Bhasin
2 min readJul 6, 2020


What is IDFA?

It is a unique id (UUID) specific to each iOS device that is used to serve targeted ads and track app attribution.

It was introduced in iOS6 and up until iOS13 accessing it was a piece of cake.

import AdSupportvar idfa: UUID {
return ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier


Apps targeted towards iOS14 will need to use AppTrackingTransparency framework along with AdSupport framework to get the IDFA.

AppTrackingTransparency allows developer to request permission from the user to read IDFA instead of just getting the IDFA from the ASIdentifierManager.

Note: You could only request the permission once per app install

Update Info.plist

Add message that informs the user why an app is requesting permission to use data for tracking the user or the device. This message goes in Info.plist file of the iOS app.

//Privacy - Tracking Usage Description
<string>App would like to access IDFA for tracking purpose</string>

Once you have added the message to the Info.plist update your local code to account for requesting permission.

Request Permission

  • Status: Authorized
    Get IDFA using ASIdentifierManager
  • Status: Denied
    Send user to settings page
  • Status: Not Determined
    You can ask user for permission and show dialog
import AdSupport
import AppTrackingTransparency
func requestPermission() {
ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization { status in
switch status {
case .authorized:
// Tracking authorization dialog was shown
// and we are authorized

// Now that we are authorized we can get the IDFA
case .denied:
// Tracking authorization dialog was
// shown and permission is denied
case .notDetermined:
// Tracking authorization dialog has not been shown
print("Not Determined")
case .restricted:
@unknown default:

This is how the request permission dialog looks like from Apple. If user denies it then we get all 0s in the UUID. The text in blue is what the developer can customize in their Info plist file of the app.




Nishant Bhasin
Nishant Bhasin

Written by Nishant Bhasin

Staff Software Engineer @ Mozilla

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